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Branewo gUG is a non-profit organization.
Our goal is to promote research into the rare disease Alström syndrome.
But that's not all!
We look forward to your visit and hope you enjoy discovering our activities!


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The Alström Initiative

This rare genetic defect is at the heart of Branewo gUG.

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The Union

Branewo is also a founding member of Alström Syndrom eV!

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Ben's Art

The project of a special person. Ben's Art is a subsidiary of Branewo.


The petition

The petition ended on June 22, 2023. More soon!


As representatives of the Alström Initiative or Alström Syndrom eV, we are able to help shape numerous initiatives:



May 2024

GMDS Symposium, Dresden

The annual meeting of the ENDO-ERN network - part of the European Reference Network - took place in Milan - with over 100 participants from all over Europe.

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May 2024

Cascais International Health Forum

The annual meeting of the ENDO-ERN network - part of the European Reference Network - took place in Milan - with over 100 participants from all over Europe.

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February 2024

Future4Care - Rare Diseases and AI

A panel discussion on the opportunities of artificial intelligence for rare diseases took place at the Meratnix AI Campus in Berlin.

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February 2024

Classic Remise Düsseldorf

As part of an event organized by MITeinander und Unabhängig eV, the Alström Initiative, Ben's Art and Alström Syndrom eV were presented and pictures from Ben's Art were auctioned.

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January 2024


Another great contribution from Elke and Rolf from FAIR HOMES Immobilien - this time even two donations from successful real estate brokerages. Great business model!

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November 2023

World Orphan Drug Congress Barcelona

An international discussion round at the World Orphan Drug Congress in Barcelona marked the start of a concerted project to find solutions for rare diseases.

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October 2023

ASI Conference and Scientific Symposium

A three-day conference of Alström Syndrome International in Baltimore with 150 participants from all over the world. Pictured is Robin Marschall, one of the most deserving "fighters" for improvements.

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October 2023

World Health Summit & Global Advisor

A three-day conference of Alström Syndrome International in Baltimore with 150 participants from all over the world. Pictured is Robin Marschall, one of the most deserving "fighters" for improvements.

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September 2023

1st Members Meeting Alström Syndrome eV

Absolute milestone! The first members' meeting of the recently founded Alström Syndrom eV in the "middle" of Germany - in Neudietendorf.

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June 2023

Rare Disease Symposium

The 7th Rare Disease Symposium of the Eva Luise and Horst Köhler Foundation on June 9 and 10, 2023 also offered the Alström Initiative the opportunity to contribute its perspective.

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March 2023

5 for health

This year, five experts met again in Berlin for a virtual discussion under the main theme of innovation. Topics included pilot programs and the use of data.

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March 2023

Loud Rare Festival

In 2023 the theme of the festival was 'Awareness'.

To show that - no matter what starting conditions someone has - we are all normal people with goals, dreams and abilities.

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February/March 2023

Rare Disease Run

The Rare Disease Run - for the first time we were allowed to take part as the Alström Initiative - was a complete success. Over 3,000 participants and over 30,000 euros in donations for 20 clubs!


    November 2022

    Discussion Albert Bourla

    Putting the patient at the centre of things. It's easy to write that down or formulate it as a requirement. But implementing it consistently requires more than just declarations of intent. We were able to discuss this with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, among others.

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    May 2024

    "Wertebasiertes Gesundheitssystem"

    The annual meeting of the ENDO-ERN network - part of the European Reference Network - took place in Milan - with over 100 participants from all over Europe.

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    April 2024

    ENDO-ERN General Assembly, Milan

    The annual meeting of the ENDO-ERN network - part of the European Reference Network - took place in Milan - with over 100 participants from all over Europe.

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    February 2024

    LOUDRARE Online Festival

    For the second time, I was able to actively participate in the LOUDRARE Festival - this time a total of 7,000 participants took part in this extraordinary event over two days.

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    January 2024

    Alström UK Global Conference

    ASUK offers a unique platform to unite the entire Alström world as part of its Global Conference. In this context, I was able to introduce Alström Syndrome eV.

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    November 2023


    Online discussion on the importance of data in healthcare and the challenges that still need to be solved.

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    November 2023

    University of Economy Vienna

    A lecture as part of the "Global Media Marketing" course at WU Vienna about the similarities in creating relevance in the commercial and non-profit sectors.

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    October 2023

    Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla

    Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla provided insights into Pfizer’s strategy, current challenges and offered the opportunity for discussion.

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    September 2023

    Pfizer Patient Dialogue

    The Pfizer Patient Dialogue - an event that brings together patient organizations, medicine, associations and industry - took place in Berlin for the 27th time.

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    July 2023

    Transfusion Hackathon Nuremberg

    There were two exciting challenges at the Transfusion Hackathon 2023, including the question of how patients can get a diagnosis faster.

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    April 2023

    HHS - Shooting day

    An exciting day of filming for a still 'secret' project in Berlin. We are very excited about the results and the reactions to them. Just a little more patience...!

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    March 2023


    Generous support of the Alström Initiative by Dr. Rolf Gengenbach and Elke Schlichtig from FAIR-HOMES IMMOBILIEN.

    Thank you!

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    February/March 2023

    Limited Edition Campaign

    A real highlight of our work so far! The 'Limited Edition' campaign to support our petition.

    Developed - pro bono - by the Munich agency Hirschfänger.

    Advertised in renowned media - also pro bono!

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    February 2023

    Rare diseases Bavaria

    On February 1, the Alström Initiative, together with the newly founded association Alström Syndrom eV, was able to organize the first event as part of the campaign of the Bundestag member Erich Irlstorfer.


      There are many things we are proud of. Here are some examples:


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